Industrial Conflict: Overview Of Country Capital City Nusantara Republic Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Sri Widodo
Human Development Index And Community Competitiveness As Indicators Of Potential Conflict In The Organization Of The Country’s Capital City In Nusantara Republik Of Indonesia
Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma (UNSURYA), Indonesia
Prof.Dr. Esti Royani
Potential Social Cultural Change Of The Community To The Development Of The State Capital City In Nusantara Republic Of Indonesia
Universitas Terbuka Samarinda, Indonesia
Prof. Maria Aluchna
Do independent board directors improve anti-corruption disclosure? Evidence from the two tier board model
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Prof. Jens Perret
Opportunities and Challenges of the Sharing Economy Using the Example of Online Business Models in the German Apparel Industry
International School of Management, Germany
Dr.Hedieh Tajali
How Do Late Donors Respond to Early Donors in Crowdfunding?
University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Karikari Amoa Gyarteng
Organizational Culture, Innovation, And Performance Of Small And Medium Firms: An Emerging Economy Perspective
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr. Nsubili Isaga
Crowdfunding As An Alternative Source Of Financing For Smes In Tanzania
Mzumbe University, Tanzania
Dr. Patrick Joel Turkson
Effect Of Consumer Occupation And Shopping Frequency On Shopper’s Satisfaction And Behavioural Intention In Shopping Malls
Methodist University Ghana, Ghana
Dr. Sanjeev Acharya
Financial inclusion and bank profitability: evidence from Japan
Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Dr. Doreen Gooden
Post-Merger Performance of Financial Institutions
Florida International University, USA
Miss. Kenza Ennida
The Career of the Teacher-Researcher: A Focus on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco
Miss. Yijun Zhang
The Impact of Urban Digital Economy on the High Quality Development of Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises
School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
Miss. Han Xu
Research on the influence of family business governance structure on business performance
School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
Mrs. Laura Muncey
Early Warning Systems For Banking Crises: Does Regulatory And Institutional Quality Matter?
University of Greenwich, UK
Mrs. Stella Amechi Onuchukwu
Economic Effects Of Igbo Apprenticeship System In Nigeria: Evidence From South East Nigeria
Virtual Consumer Identity: New Ways to Enhance Customer Experience
Riga Technical University, Latvia
Ms.Valsala Krishnan K. Chandrasegaran
A critical review of the impact of emotions on cognitive abilities when building an entrepreneurial mind-set, and introducing the SIEP conceptual model.
International University of Malaya-Wales, Malaysia
Ms. Sarah Richardson
Nonprofit Innovation For Growth: Multimethod Evidence of its Nature and Effective Governance
The University of Queensland, Australia
Ms.Åsa Grek
Government support for SMEs in time of crisis – a study on firm level data
Dalarna University, Sweden
Ms.Sylwia Cieślik
Brexit and London Stock Exchange – how Brexit impacted the initial public offerings?
Doctoral School of Social Sciences University of Lodz, Poland
Ms. Yvette Skretkowicz
The Nutri-Score – A Quantitative Study of the Effectiveness of Visual Nudging on Consumer Behavior
UJEP – University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem, Germany
Mr.Akmal Mansha
Impact of Technological Change on Success of Real Estate Project.
Lahore Garrison University, Pakistan
Mr. Mehdi Chaoui Roqai
Character Education in Moroccan business schools: Background and Challenges
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco
Mr.Rahul Chauhan
Does a behavioural bias affect personality traits and investors sentiments? : Smart PLS Model
Parul Institute of Business Administration, India
Mr.Fredrick Etyang
Rapid Industrialization Model for Developing Economies
Uganda Management Institute, Uganda
Mr.Vikram Chowdhary
Unveiling Resilience: Navigating Business Disruptions in the Pharmaceutical Industry Amidst the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
Mr.Wessam Kasem
The impact of monetary policy on the financial stability of the banking sector (An applied study to Egyptian banks from 2010 to 2021)
Arab academy for science,technolgy and maritime transport, Egypt
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